Sunday, January 4, 2009


I am not sure where to begin this year with my resolutions. There are certainly things I would like to change and many goals I have for myself.
It seems things don't get accomplished though. Last year all my efforts and energy went into our wedding. This year I would like to remember to focus on myself and my creativity. The biggest thing for 2009 is to simplify.

One goal would be to buy our own home. I think this is such a huge and scary step but something we should probably do somewhere down the road.

I want to take better care of myself mentally and physically. I spend much too much time sick, much of that stems from stress so it is important to take care of both body and mind.
To do this I have a few ideas
I plan add more raw foods into my diet. I think this will help make me feel better overall. To do this I have already started looking at my favorite raw food blog The Sunny Raw Kitchen for recipes and inspiration.
Of course exercise is important, I walk regularly and do workouts but I have been slacking the past few months and need to build up a routine again. I have been thinking about buying a mini elliptical machine and using the exercise bike over at barney's and BRS.

I want to be more organized this year. That is a big one. Sure I keep a clean house but I think I need to be more organized in thoughts, and work. Not only will it help to keep me focused if I find ways to organize myself better but it will also help with stress.

Over the past year my art and photography has been pushed to the side so I could focus on my cuffs and my wedding. There is nothing wrong with that but now that the wedding has passed and business is steady I think it is time to re-focus my energy.

I started a few projects that I hope to be able to continue for the whole year. The first of the projects is Daily Gratitude- a simple reminder of all the wonderful things I have to look forward to. I hope this is something that will keep me in good spirits even when times get rough. I am posting these right here, I hope no one minds. Feel free to comment back with what you feel grateful for too!

I am participating in the 365 days photo project on flickr and also doing one right here. I would like to also start doing 365 self portraits. We will see how this goes...

Not only will these projects encourage and inspire my creativity but they will also push me to blog more frequently!

I have a goal to create some new art pieces this year and hopefully even get a gallery show.

So those are some of my goals for myself this year. It is important and I keep reminding myself and others that change doesn't depend on any calendar, change can start at any time, any day so if you want to change something just start right now, don't wait for tomorrow or next week or next month.

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