Sunday, March 9, 2008

Featured Seller Birdapparel

My name is Anita. I'm a 31 year old fashion designer from Toronto, Canada. I started my company in April of 2007 after working in and out of the fashion industry for a number of years. I decided to start my own line, because it was something I could do from home as I have 2 young children.

I've been sewing since I was a child. My grandparents used to sew for a living (tailor and seamstress) and it's what inspired me to start. I've been around fabric and sewing machines for as long as I can remember. I've always been interested in fashion and loved making crazy outfits when I was younger. So after high school, I went to college and studied Fashion Design. After college it did take a few years and a few jobs to realize that starting my own line was the right thing to do. Having children and getting older puts things into perspective. I felt that this was the right time. I had always talked/dreamt about it and basically it was now or never.

What inspires me? Nature, music, colour (I usually design with a colour in mind, like right now I'm really into gray and white), fabric, textures, my grandparents (in some way I feel like I'm carrying on the family tradition, and I don't want to sound kooky but I always feel that my grandfather is with me and proud and that really keeps me going and totally inspires me everyday).

You may visit Bird Apparel's website

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